
Recognizing the beauty while overlooking the complexity: When a digital solution feels very simple in the end, there was a great UX and UI concept in the beginning, and the user right in the middle. That's User-Centric Design, but at Netural, it's even more.

Asking the proper questions to clarify the user's needs is a strength of our designers. while researching the client's business thoroughly and comprehending the methods used - for diverse sectors and goods. Making the complex seem straightforward. For technological innovations that benefit users and businesses.

How can we fulfill the user expectations?

Understanding our clients' demands is the primary objective we keep in mind when making decisions. That's the only way we are able to design sustainable user experiences and user interfaces.

Service Design

Service Design

Regardless of how varied our jobs might be, they all start with the same essential inquiry: What requirements must the design fulfill – and for whom?

Being aware of the task

Users have expectations and preferences, whereas clients set objectives. The key to good conception and design is finding the synthesis of objectives and expectations.
Understanding both viewpoints is essential for achieving this. This requires the client to comprehend organizational rules, company objectives, strategy, and processes. Personas and user journeys must be defined for the user (see the following step).

Defining Personas & User Journeys

We consider users to be actual individuals who immerse themselves in their reality to learn what they expect. What exactly are they looking for? What will entice them, repel them, and gain their love? We have a term for our model users: Personas.
A brand page, an online store, or an app is comparable to a road. Branches ought to be prominently marked. Avoid dead ends, confusing regions, and detours.
Effective service design acts as an able scout, offering direction, help, and motivation to model personas as they travel from the first to the last screen. We call this phase of development "User Journey Mapping."

Determining Needs

A requirement profile for the actual design is the result of the service design process. The goals and process requirements of the client are combined with the desire, anticipations, and behaviors of user personas to create this profile.

UX-Design & Concept

UX-Design & Concept

Our path from requirement to solution has been tried and tested countless times: It begins with research and ends with testing, with the user at the center of it all.


We don't want to believe; we want to know. User research, UX analyses, evaluations, trend scout reports, and any other available sources serve as a foundation of our conceptual work.

The perfection of the solution

The most brilliant minds will work together to come up with ideas. We create our design studies in ideation workshops and use every common creative workshop techniques for exploration and production.

UX Design and Wireframing

UX stands for user experience optimization.
The implementation of the user experience includes several components, such as improving the information architecture, developing wireframes for visual representation assessment, and engaging digital storytelling.

UX Testing

Netural has made early investments in rapid prototyping tools. These tools enable for continuous user testing to assess concepts and improve requirement profiles and solutions, in addition to considerably speeding up the development process.



The visible product's design, which is done in phases with the focus on providing the greatest possible user experience, happens at the end of the creative process.

UX/UI Design

User Interface Design defines the user-friendliness and aesthetic appearance of all digital touchpoints, making them visually appealing, intuitive, and easy to understand: web, app, XR, machinery & industry. With good UX/UI, complicated processes become noticeably more appealing and effective. Style boards, electronic style guides, and design systems are among the final deliverables. For this, we use cutting-edge design tools and procedures.

Design Systems

To maintain consistent branding across many products, apps, and platforms, design systems specify how colors, typography, and graphic components should be used. They are innovative, created for the creation of future digital products, and they translate the brand identity into the digital sphere.

Motion Design

We also take into consideration motion elements during the installation process. They are innovative and an effective force behind captivating digital storytelling. Complex information or processes can be more effectively communicated by motion, and attention can be focused on particular components.


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